About me

Let me share my musical journey so far..

A casual jam session with my father 

Planting the seed

Born into a family of passionate musicians in Normandy, France, I was exposed to to a variety of musical genres from an early age, with a particularly strong influence from my father, a classical guitarist, who passed on his love of music from the moment I was old enough to pick up a guitar (or mandolin in this case, left).

He would frequently play French classics to me from his vast classical guitar repertoire, to which I would take pleasure in listening, often being transported to another place until the warm, soft sound of the nylon strings would cease.

Growing as a musician

By the age of 14, after many hours spent with one of my father’s old acoustic guitars, and many casual music sessions with him, I had built a substantial repertoire of my own, comprising largely Celtic ballads.

It wasn’t long before I had the opportunity to perform my repertoire publicly thanks to a fellow musician and friend, who had kindly invited me to play with her during one of her upcoming gigs.

After seeing the pleasure and joy that I could bring to people through my performances, I was hooked, and over the following years, would continuously seek opportunities to perform publicly to build on my experience as a musician and performer by playing at a variety of functions and venues, such as local pubs and bars, birthdays, weddings and festivals.

         It wasn’t long before I began performing my own repertoire

O’flaherty’s Irish pub session 5/06/2022

O'Flaherty's Irish pub, Nîmes


After a few years, I had established myself as a guitarist and vocal performer of Celtic Ballads and had gained a lot of valuable experience, but I had evolved as a musician and had moved in a different direction.

I had since fallen upon, and taken a keen liking to the upbeat and fast paced, traditional Irish jigs and reels and so I decided I would turn up the tempo and take my guitar to one of the monthly Irish pub sessions at a local Irish pub, O’Flaherty’s, Nîmes.

I had officially, and once again, left my comfort zone. Nothing could have prepared me for the pace of the tunes that were played during my first session, but this didn’t put me off one bit and instilled a new vigor and ambition in me. I would spend my time listening to these fast paced, lively tunes and attend every Irish pub session possible, until I could play along with ease and join in the fun!

During the first few sessions I felt way in over my head, all the tunes were so fast, and it was almost impossible to keep up. But, I stuck to it, continued to listen, listen, listen, and after some persistence and patience, it started to become manageable, and eventually, effortless by which point I was having so much fun and once again, I was hooked!

As much fun as it was to accompany many very experienced musicians during these energetic Irish sessions, I had fallen for the wonderful characteristic sound of the Irish fiddle, and couldn’t stop thinking about how it would feel to be able to play the many lively, traditional tunes on one.

After finally convincing my father to invest in one, I was the proud owner of my very own Irish fiddle and so, the uphill struggle began, once again!


Conservatoire de Nîmes

As with many things, the initial phase of my learning was long, often tedious and proved to be a real test of my commitment to this instrument. After some progress was made I reached my first of many plateaus so decided to get in in touch with a private tutor, preferably one who specialized in Irish music.

After some research I found a very encouraging tutor and stay with her for the next 6 months. She helped me to break through this plateau and played a big part in taking me to an intermediate level. It was at this time that I decided that I would make efforts to progress beyond an intermediate level and embark on a mission to work towards an advanced level in the violin and eventually reach a level at which I could make a career playing both classical violin and Irish fiddle. 

I figured that applying to the French Conservatoire of Music would provide me with a well rounded, rigorous and quality training program in both the practical and theoretical components of the violin. 

After 4 months of intense, focused work, I attended the admission audition, nervous as can be, and managed to pass the audition, securing myself a place at the Conservatoire de Nîmes.

              Exam to pass my third cycle, June  2022   

My wedding day  15/10/2021

Where I am Today

Six years later, I am still studying violin at the Conservatoire de Nîmes. I am very happy and have a great teacher with whom I have a close yet professional relationship who has been the key role model who has supported me throughout my studies. I am so grateful for all the musical projects I have had the chance to do over the last few years, as well as for all the wonderful musicians I have had the privilege to know and play with. 

I also feel so blessed for being married to the love of my life, who as been always by my side throughout my musical journey, helping me to endure the lows, and supporting and encouraging me through the highs  🥰


Now the next step is to grow “Violin with Valentine” to bring value, encouragement and helpful resources to violinists and musicians around the world! 🌎🎻🎶





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